Huffdic compression

I suspect my mobidedrm is decrypting certain huffdic compressed files incorrectly. There is some data right at the end of the section, and I think this is not supposed to be decrypted. However, I don’t have any files, so I can’t verify my theory.

 If someone has any huffdic compressed files that don’t appear to work ok after being processed through mobidedrm and mobihuff, please send the file and the PID of the file to my email,


6 Responses to “Huffdic compression”

  1. I get “Processing… Error: incorrect eReader version 10 (error 1)” when i try to use your tool on a free book (Moby Dick) downloaded from yesterday

  2. Thanks Mr Reverser;

    I get: “Error: no key found. maybe the PID is incorrect”

    even on books that “don’t have DRM,” but other tools like mobi2oeb or mobihuff say that the file is DRM encoded.

    I think maybe the files are DRM’d to some generic PID that all mobi-browsers test, but I don’t know what this PID might be,

    Try the file at:

  3. sixteenvoices Says:

    Cool. My “possibly related post” isn’t related at all. There’s a surprise!

  4. I use MobiDeDRM to unlock the book. I try to use MobiHuff to turn into an HTML but receive the error message “invalid compression type”. I have Python installed. I have used MobiDeDRM 1, 2, 3 and 5.

  5. I’m posting on this message because the other message thread seem to be getting too full.

    Re: MobiUnpack and Applescript:

    Applescript is both easy and hard. It’s one of these irritating languages that looks like natural language, but has exact syntax requirements. Also, a lot of using it depends on getting other programs to do work (e.g. asking the finder to do things)

    However, it does an excellent job of creating a simple wrapper around command line tools.

    PythonWrapper is, of course, exactly set up to be usable with MobiDeDRM. I used to hard-code the path of MobiDeDRM, and ask for the PID everytime, but on this re-write I found the very useful simple permanent variables.

    I know nothing about Python gui programming. On Mac, the best Python tool appears to be IDLE

    But actually, with my new AppleScript that stores the path to the script, I find it simpler to have the script open in BBEdit (or you could use TextWrangler), save any changes, and then drag & drop a file onto the applescript, seeing the output (if errors) in the dialog box it pops up.

    A change,save,drag,see output takes only a few seconds,. so fixing up any syntax errors is pretty quick.

  6. Denver Weckwerth Says:

    Thx for information.

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